Thursday, 14 October 2010


Making a baby should be a pretty straighforward thing really.  All you need is yourself and your woman, maybe a little bit of Barry White, and off you go. Do it. literally.

The thing is, having decided to go for a baby, I'm finding myself a little obsessed with researching the subject, conception, and probably less so involved in the actual conceiving action, if you know what I mean.  My wife's period ended 9 days ago. I know this because she has started a diary to keep track of these things now that she's off the pill.  You see, never having been off the pill since she started over a decade ago, apparently her system needs to adjust and she needs to keep track to see how regular her natural system is. Anyway, in those 9 days we've only had Barry on thrice.  Days 4, 5 and 6.

I realise we should be having sex more than that, but I've discovered, due to my obsessive researching that it's not as simple as that.  At this point I should like to point out that I have actually been ill with Man-flu for the past three days, which is the main reason for my lack of libedo, but my studious research has revealed to me the following:

-It's extremely unlikely that we will fall pregnant this month as it's the first month my wife has came off her pill.
-Regardless of that, apparently it's not likely a woman will fall pregnant until between the 13th and 16th day of her menstrual cycle,  so we're probably too early at this point anyway.  Thats not a hard fact or anything, but it seems, as a rule, thats when ovulation occurs and hence is the time when chances of conceiving are highest
-To increase chances, we shouldn't have sex every day.  Every other, or even every 3 days results in more potent ejaculations with higher sperm counts.  Apparently doing it more than once a day leaves you just firing out weak-ass penis soldiers.

(first and last time I ever use that expression.)

I didn't know any of this stuff, and surprisingly neither did my wife.  She didn't even know if day 1 of her cycle was the day her period started or the day it stopped. I know I used the think that a period was just a one squirt and your done sort of deal, but then I'm a dude so my ignorance is excusable.  Having said that, I don't really know anything about my system either but then I don't spend 5 days a month bleeding out my ass.

Oh, and here's how I am doing my research:  I've changed my Stumbleupon button 'interests' to Babies, Kids, Family, Married Life, Pregnancy, Giving Birth, Parenting and Relationships.

stumble. stumble. stumble. 

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